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LIFE-DIADEME Project. Final Results

Performances of Adaptive Lighting Systems in real time, tested in the Large Test Sites in Rome, Piacenza and Rimini by the LIFE-DIADEME project, shown a reduction in energy consumption and emissions of extreme relevance, compared with Pre-Programmed Systems, currently in use in the most advanced public lighting systems, and even greater if compared with systems without such regulation, so-called Full Light.

At the beginning of the project, the most ambitious expectations outlined reductions of about 30%, but the first applications immediately showed some considerable difficulties arising, for example, from the choice of suitable materials for the detection of a large amount of data.

The experimentation of technologies and materials, in four years of work, led to incredible results, starting from the selection of the best components and solutions able to assure great performances, as necessary. The monitoring of road traffic, the detection of luminance, weather conditions and pollutants, together with the search for low-cost sensors fit to report correct data, the study of suitable solutions to apply the best technologies to the existing lamps and, finally, the choice of the best performing communication and data management systems, required enormous efforts from the staff involved in the realization of the project.

Within the 4 Large Test Sites in Rome, Piacenza and Rimini, 962 DIADEME Standard Devices were installed for the measurement of temperature, air pressure, luminance, environmental noise and traffic flows and for data communication through Radio Mesh and Conveyed Waves. 33 LTM, on the other hand, take care of traffic measurements, road luminance and weather conditions. 49 Air Quality Sensor, built in with electrochemical low-cost sensors, finally, detect NO2, O3, CO and NO level,humidity, temperature and atmospheric pressure. For a final control, the collected data are compared and enhanced with reference to LTM computer vision.

After months of technical improvements in the field, of data gathering and appliances tests, results began to highlight the first success: energy saving and CO2 emissions reduction of the DIADEME Systems, compared with Pre-programmed installations, reach 40,6%. And compared with Full Light installations, they reach 57%.

These reductions appear even more relevant because they have been obtained on recent plants with LED lamps.

Last but not least, the high added value of the amount of data collected is to be noted: traffic flows, air quality, environmental noise, weather conditions; useful data on one hand to promote the reduction of the environmental impact in urban environment and the improvement of road safety, on the other hand to be used for the creation of information systems (Dashboards) for public bodies to provide innovative services for citizens and companies, typical Smart Cities scenario.

Finally, it is perhaps useful to remember the particular praise given to LIFE-DIADEME by the Representative of the European Commission during the recent project Final Conference for the brilliant results achieved.

DIADEME “Final Conference” Webinar

On November 5, 2020, it was held the Final Conference of the LIFE-DIADEME project.

Initially planned during the Ecomondo exhibition in Rimini, where the project would have had its own space at the Reverberi Enetec Stand, Lead Partner of the project, the recent events related to the health crisis forced the organizers to present the final results in a live streaming Webinar with more than 80 participants.

The Seminar opened with the greetings of Gian Paolo Roscio, AIDI President, the Italian Lighting Association that introduced the speakers and moderated the discussion, followed by the projection of the official DIADEME Video.

Angelo Salsi, head of the LIFE and CIP Eco-innovation Unit of EASME, the European Commission Agency in charge of the management of the LIFE Programme, praised the DIADEME project for its success and, above all, for the results far beyond the most optimistic expectations.

Antonella Valitutti of the Ministry of the Environment did not want to miss the appointment to underline how DIADEME is absolutely in line with the policies of the Ministry on energy efficiency and adaptation to climate change, thanks to the savings obtained and the reduction of the emitted pollutants into the atmosphere.

Town Councillor for Infrastructures of the Municipality of Rome, Linda Meleo, together with Raffaele Gareri, Director of the Digital Transformation and Urban Economic Development Department, pointed out the commitment of the municipal Administration in the realization of the Smart City through a series of solutions and projects of which DIADEME is certainly an application of absolute relevance. The data coming from the installed systems will be integrated into the City Data Platform, the backbone of a huge infrastructure able to offer innovative services and information to the City Users, citizens and companies

Marco Frascarolo, from Roma Tre University, focused on illuminating engineering features and on in field  measurements for the realization of the Pilot Project.

Stefano Listrani, from ARPA Lazio, praised the DIADEME Air Quality control units installed, for the more than satisfactory quality of the data gathering realized through low-cost electrochemical sensors.

Eugenia Rossi di Schio, Town Councillor for Digital Innovation, Research, Development and Civic Services, brought her greetings and thanked the DIADEME Consortium for the opportunity offered to the Municipality of Rimini to take part in the experimentation of Adaptive Lighting and briefly presented some interesting projects on waste management and green areas utilization, energy efficient buildings and electric mobility, recently developed on the town territory.

Following, the most awaited presentation was undoubtedly that one from Andrea Mancinelli (Reverberi Enetec), LIFE-DIADEME Project Manager. To him the burden of retracing the project phases, from the initial research on materials to the Pilot of the first 100 installations in Rome EUR, up to the completion of over 1000 installations including 200 units in Piacenza and Rimini. Concluding on the truly flattering results achieved in terms of energy savings and environmental impacts brilliantly reconciled with a certain and a very short return on investment.

Andrea Temporelli, from RSE Research on Energy System, concluded the technical part by presenting the life cycle and environmental impact assessment (LCA and LCIA) of DIADEME Systems.

Francesco Dugoni, Director of AGIRE, the Energy Agency of the Province of Mantova, DIADEME partner, retraced the Communication and Dissemination activities carried out during the project life, considered so relevant by the EU Commission for the diffusion of actions and results of the project itself.

DIADEME System was studied and initially applied in the Municipality of Rome, but thanks to the collaboration between Reverberi Enetec, project Lead Partner, and local municipal Administrations, and thanks to a considerable economic effort, the model was also adopted in Piacenza and Rimini.

Alberto Carone, from Citelum SA (EDF Group), explained the activities developed in the Municipality of Piacenza, the innovative technologies applied in the roads affected by the experimentation and the first results obtained. Just after, Luca Marchi fromEnel X Italia Srl (Enel Group), illustrated the areas of intervention in the Municipality of Rimini, together with advantages and savings of the Adaptive Lighting in this case.

For the conclusions of the Final Conference, representatives of other projects were invited, a Networking activity particularly relevant for the success of a project co-financed by European funds. Patrizia Bellucci, ANAS Project Manager, presented the LIFE-Dynamap project developed in Rome and Milan and focused on the acquisition and analysis of environmental noise through the utilization of low-cost sensors able to automatically update acoustic maps in real time. Alessandro Drago, Councillor for Mobility and Community Projects of the IX Town Council of the Municipality of Rome, presented Elviten project, a Horizon 2020 on sustainable mobility with innovative applications for parking and electric charging services. Finally, Katia Raffaelli, Project Manager and officer at Emilia Romagna Region, presented LIFE-PrepAIR, a huge and important project that involved the Regions of the Po Valley to support them in the implementation of Air Quality Plans and measures, foreseen by specific agreements, to be applied on a territory including a large part of Northern Italy.



Towards the conclusion of the project and before the presentation of the final results, an explanatory three-minute Video was created for marketing and dissemination purpose, explaining effectively, but shortly, DIADEME System with suggestive images of the Rome city Capital where most of the Adaptive Lighting systems were realized and installed by the project. The Video can be seen on DIADEME website at A second shorter version, used for the Final Conference advertising, is also visible on DIADEME Facebook page at

AIDI  Congress Webinar

Even the AIDI National Congress – the Italian Lighting Association – was affected by the pandemic and was forced, for its XIX edition, after a first postponement in October, to renounce to the city of Naples for an Online Webinar, divided into six meetings held between November and December 2020.

The Congress, with the subtitle “THE LIGHT BETWEEN CULTURE AND INNOVATION IN THE DIGITAL AGE“, addressed some issues related to ne
w technologies that allow to design a more effective, flexible, dynamic, energy efficient and high-quality lighting.

Particularly interesting was the session dedicated to urban lighting in the age of Smart Cities, on November 17, during which LIFE-DIADEME was p
ed as an “innovative IoT project of Adaptive Lighting in the Smart
City“. The presentation, by Raffaele Gareri, Director of the Digital Transformation Department of the Municipality of Rome, focused on the most exquisitely technical and experimental features, with particular emphasis on the integration of environmental data collected by DIADEME systems into the City Data Platform, capable to offer innovative information and services to the City Users, citizens and companies.

 A positive feedback to the innovations presented thanks to LIFE-DIADEME project was concretely reflected in the following discussion and in a good number of explanatory questions and answers.

DIADEME at Fedarene “General Assembly”

The Annual General Assembly of Fedarene, the European Association of Energy Agencies, was held online in a Webinar format in this fateful 2020 with the authoritative presence of the Commissioner for Energy of the European Union Kadri Simson. AGIRE Energy Agency is member of Fedarene and was invited to present a project experience developed in Italy. On November 26, during the Networking Café Estaminet, organized to promote the knowledge of Best Practices and projects implemented by the members of the Association, moderated by Secretary General Seamus Hoyne, Andrea Mancinelli, LIFE-DIADEME Project Manager, from Reverberi Enetec, presented the project to a real interested and particularly skilled audience. Many requests for information during the discussion revealed similar projects in some European Countries (Portugal, Crete). But LIFE-DIADEMEproved to be a very advanced experimentation in the field of Adaptive and Distributed Public Lighting (DAI), just implemented in the Large Test Sites in Rome, Piacenza and Rimini

DIADEME at the Seminar on “Environmental Governance” by Ministry of Environment

The Ministry of the Environment is promoting the project “Let’s put ourselves in RIGA, Integrated Strengthening of the Environmental Governance” to realize horizontal actions to increase the efficiency in the decision-making process related to public investment programs, promoting moreover the dissemination of tools and methodologies capable to improve the Multi-Level Governance for addressing choices and to facilitate the decision-making processes.

Andrea Mancinelli (Reverberi Enetec), LIFE-DIADEME Project Manager, was invited to present the results obtained with the experimentation of DIADEME Adaptive Public Lighting System, at a Web Conference on 15 December 2020, with the aim to represent a successful example of fruitful collaboration between companies, local Authorities and Multiutilities and the European Commission. An excellent opportunity for a Networking activity with other National projects, under the auspices of the Ministry of the Environment.

New Communication Tools


With the conclusion of the project and the need to advertise the results obtained, the latest Communication products were realized in Agreement with the European Commission: a new 8-page 15×30 Brochure (2,000 copies), 2 Roll-up Banners 80×200 to be used during the events, 1 Poster 70×100 and the Layman’s Report in A4 format (500 copies). The latter represents a sort of storyboard with texts and images telling the whole project and its development, from the first research on materials to the realization of the Test Sites in Rome, Piacenza and Rimini.
All products are bilingual, Italian and English so that they can also be used in events or exhibitions abroad



Guarda il video trailer della Final Conference:

Reverberi Enetec ed A.G.I.R.E. srl, con il contributo della Comunità Europea, il patrocinio di Roma Capitale, i comuni di Rimini e Piacenza ed il supporto tecnico di Citelum ed Enel X è lieta di invitarLa alla Final Conference del progetto LIFE-DIADEME.
L’idea innovativa proposta dal progetto LIFE-DIADEME si sintetizza in un sistema Smart, sviluppato intorno al concetto di illuminazione adattiva distribuita (DAI), in grado di recuperare informazioni su luce, traffico, rumore e qualità dell’aria, nell’intorno del singolo punto luce. Come prescritto dalla norma UNI 11248, LIFE-DIADEME fornisce un corretto livello di illuminazione stradale, riducendo, come verrà mostrato durante la Final Conference, il consumo di energia elettrica e, nel contempo, garantendo un elevato grado di sicurezza.
Grazie ad un accordo con Roma Capitale, Comune di Rimini, Comune di Piacenza, negli ultimi 3 anni, 1000 punti luce sono stati equipaggiati con la tecnologia LIFE-DIADEME dedicata alla Smart City.
La riduzione delle emissioni dei gas serra, l’abbattimento dei costi di gestione e manutenzione e l’allungamento della vita media degli apparecchi, sono dirette conseguenze della diminuzione dei consumi di energia elettrica.
All’interno della Final Conference, verranno mostrati i risultati finali ottenuti dal progetto LIFE-DIADEME durante 3 intensi anni di sperimentazione. Verranno mostrati grafici ed informazioni relative all’acquisizione di centinaia di migliaia di dati collaterali all’illuminazione pubblica. Interverranno diversi supporter e stakeholder, tra i quali: EASME (Organo della Comunità Europea a gestione dei fondi Programma LIFE), Roma Capitale, Comune di Rimini, Comune di Piacenza, Enel X, Citelum, RSE, ARPA, Università degli studi Roma Tre e molti altri ancora.

A seguito del DPCM 25 ottobre 2020, l’evento inizialmente previsto all’interno della fiera
ECOMONDO/KeyEnergy, si terrà esclusivamente online il giorno 05 Novembre dalle ore
09:00 alle ore 12:30.

Per partecipare al webinar:
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Collegamento telefonico: +39 0 230 57 81 42 – Codice accesso: 301-623-029
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Programma Final Conference LIFE-Diademe
5 novembre 2020 ore 09:30
09:00 Registrazione partecipanti

09:30 Saluto di benvenuto – Ing. Gian Paolo Roscio, Presidente AIDI

09:40 Video ufficiale progetto LIFE-Diademe

09:45 Dott. Angelo Salsi – EASME, responsabile LIFE e CIP Eco-innovation

10:00 Dott. Alessandro Carettoni – Ministero dell’Ambiente, dirigente divisione IV rinnovabili, efficienza energetica ed energie alternative – direzione generale per il clima,
l’energia e l’aria

10:10 Ing. Raffaele Gareri – Roma Capitale, direttore dipartimento Trasformazione Digitale
e Sviluppo Economico Urbano di Roma
10:20 Ing. Eugenia Rossi di Schio – Comune di Rimini, Assessore all’innovazione digitale,
ricerca e sviluppo, servizi civici

10:30 Intervento Comune di Piacenza

10:40 Ing. Andrea Mancinelli – Reverberi Enetec, Project Manager LIFE-Diademe

10:55 Ing. Andrea Temporelli – RSE, Sustainability and LCA specialist

11:05 Dott. Stefano Listrani – ARPA Lazio, unità aria e agenti fisici di Roma

11:15 Dott. Francesco Dugoni – direttore AGIRE (agenzia per la gestione intelligente
delle risorse energetiche)

11:25 Dott. Alberto Carone – Citelum SA, Responsabile servizi di ingegneria di offerta

11:35 Dott. Luca Marchi – EnelX, Head of Sales and delivery Emilia Romagna e NE

11:45 Prof. Marco Frascarolo – Università Roma Tre

11:55 LIFE-Dynamap – Ing. Patrizia Bellucci – ANAS, Project Manager e ricercatore Senior
nel settore dell’acustica ambientale

12:05 Elviten (H2020) – Dott. Alessandro Drago – Roma Capitale, Assessore alla mobilità,
periferie, programmi comunitari del IX municipio

12:15 LIFE-PrepAIR – Ing. Katia Raffaelli – Regione Emilia Romagna, servizio tutela e
risanamento acqua, aria e agenti fisici

12:25 Fine della conferenza

National AIDI Congress – Naples 19/20 October 2020

The AIDI National Congress, the Italian lighting Association, will be held in Naples in October 2020, with a subtitle “The light between Culture and Innovation in the Digital Age”.
The Congress is an important event to discuss and deepen issues on lighting and on new technologies used to design a more effective, flexible, dynamic, energy efficient and high-quality lighting. In particular, the main aim is to encourage, through sessions, roundtables and debates, a discussion on the relevant transformations and evolutions of the lighting sector.
There will be the opportunity to tackle the relationship between light and architecture and the increasing interactions between lighting and other sectors, such as electronics, home automation and telecommunications, especially in the field of public lighting and smart cities.
The Congress will focus four thematic sections:

  • Urban lighting in the smart city age.
  • Innovation and new tools for lighting design.
  • Light, architecture and public welfare.
  • Lighting appliances design with Led technology.

LIFE-Diademe project will participate in the event with a presentation given by Eng. Paolo di Lecce, Reverberi Enetec CEO, project lead Partner, and by the Director of the Digital Transformation Department of the Municipality of Rome, Eng. Raffaele Gareri.

New deadline for the LIFE-DIADEME project

With a Letter of Amendment, the European Commission confirmed the new LIFE-DIADEME project deadline at 31 December 2020.
The well-known sanitary emergency events, but also the chance of adding 2 new Demonstration Sites in the Municipality of Piacenza and in the Municipality of Rimini that firmly wished to adopt the LIFE-DIADEME Smart Applications, led the Consortium Partners to request The adjournment of the project deadline. LIFE-DIADEME will be enriched with two additional Demonstration Sites where to install and apply the Diademe Devices. Moreover, there will be the possibility to have 6 additional months of data collecting and data analysis in the two Rome Capitale sites in EUR and Pietralata Districts.

Roma Pietralata Impianti Diademe
Roma EUR Impianti Diademe
Rimini Impianti Diademe 06-2020
Piacenza Impianti Diademe 06-2020