Diademe “Project of the Month of February 2019” on the LIFE website of the Environment Ministry

At present, a large part of energy consumption at European level depends on urban areas and generates significant greenhouse gas emissions (GHG).
Such consumption, as well as the worsening of air quality, are growing in the coming decades due to the increase in population and to the process of urbanization of metropolitan areas. Street lighting represents a substantial share of cities energy consumption: more than 90 million European public streetlights in operation add up to more than 50% of public energy consumption and 60% of energy costs.
In this context, the LIFE-Diademe project offers an innovative system of street lighting regulation, sustainable and cost-effective, based on low-cost environmental sensors and luminance-traffic-weather cameras organized in a widespread network able to realize energy savings of 50% and more. The National Authority of the LIFE Programme 2014-2020 published on its website an article on the DIADEME project as “Project of the month of February 2019”, which explains in detail the development of Life-DADEME in Rome in the EUR district.